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George's Barbecue Sauce:

lets try yhit again fucking bitch.png

For this specific project I was tasked with taking a product--one that did not have the strongest or most appealing packaging--and create my own interpretation of the packaging. I chose to edit George's Barbecue Sauce by changing the old and outdated bottle for one that resembled an alcohol bottle, to embody the warmth and rustic feeling of barbecue sauce.

Giles & Brother:

Giles and Brother Poster PDF for portfol

During my time spent as an intern at Giles & Brother I learned how a business operates within the fashion industry, but also got to partake in many important aspects of the company. Given that my internship sadly had to to be remote, I focused mostly on creating images of their products for social media, along with things such as posters and email blasts. There are other projects I have been working on for Giles & Brother, they just need to relieve feedback on things I need to change from my supervisors, they will be posted upon their completion.

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